Until Next Time
Hsinchu, Taiwan
Hsinchu, Taiwan
Participatory Installation
Leaf Bleached Kraft Pulp (LBKP), mixed media
Leaf Bleached Kraft Pulp (LBKP), mixed media

Chen-Yu Wang seeks to redefine the relationship between body and materials, people and environments. In the process of behavioral display and development, Wang looks to expand possibilities of materials as well as to deconstruct memories of cultural and social structures left by past experiences on our bodies. In the process of practice, Wang saw dissolution and reproduction in paper-making; she combed through hidden memories in writing. Maybe at the end, pains or secrets left by the past would still be there, but time continues to flow objectively. In this confusing and hard-to-define era, this work invites all viewers to participate int he collective action of bidding farewell. They will see each other under anonymous messages, which will be further processed by the artist after the exhibition.
Exhibited in Biennial International Paper Fibre Art, National Taiwan Crafts Research and Development Center, Nantou, Taiwan
用手織著一場告別,每一顆手上拿的毛線都有當初被選購時所想賦予的詮釋。面對年輕時信誓旦旦的當初,選擇了告別,向著晴空萬里或陰雨綿綿都能怡然自得的一片。纏完最後一綑線,像不斷複頌的遺憾再見。 在告別前感受著承接的重,多出來的物,情感的累積,都在私密的空間裡漸漸釋放。在不斷接收的資訊、價值與物質裡,透過肢體進行褪去與捨棄的發生。 作品邀請參與者透過手來進行空間上的「拆解」,同時窺探著空間內肢體的「赤裸」,對應出藝術家與參與者之間的狀態,詮釋一來一往內感受一個共有的當下。
用手織著一場告別,每一顆手上拿的毛線都有當初被選購時所想賦予的詮釋。面對年輕時信誓旦旦的當初,選擇了告別,向著晴空萬里或陰雨綿綿都能怡然自得的一片。纏完最後一綑線,像不斷複頌的遺憾再見。 在告別前感受著承接的重,多出來的物,情感的累積,都在私密的空間裡漸漸釋放。在不斷接收的資訊、價值與物質裡,透過肢體進行褪去與捨棄的發生。 作品邀請參與者透過手來進行空間上的「拆解」,同時窺探著空間內肢體的「赤裸」,對應出藝術家與參與者之間的狀態,詮釋一來一往內感受一個共有的當下。